IRetire by Blackrock
iRetire shows clients where their retirement portfolio is today and how to start closing any retirement income gaps that they might have.
LPL Financial is the broker/dealer we utilize to support us in taking care of our clients’ needs.
LPL Financial has a team of expert analysts, strategists, economists, and investment specialists who make up the LPL Research team.

House of Charts includes charts and infographics on investments, markets, and the economy previously featured in our communications with clients.
JP Morgan is a leading asset manager and a strong component for many of our client’s portfolios.
eMoney is a leading wealth management and financial planning software package leveraged by our advisors to help guide our clients in financial planning decisions.
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We know that in order for you to make sound financial decisions, you need to be well informed. As part of our commitment to keep our clients informed, we publish a bi-monthly newsletter which contains up-to-date information about the market and economy as well as other financial tidbits. Please contact us if you would like to receive this newsletter.